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Durango Star Party

July 5 @ 8:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Join SJMA and the Durango Astronomical Society for the summer star party series located, for the first time, at SJMA’s Durango Nature Center!

All are welcome, amateur astronomers and enthusiasts alike, for a family friendly event discussing and observing our night skies –  the moon, planets, star clusters, galaxies, and nebulas. Just before sunset, an expert from the Durango Astronomical Society will lead discussions on what we will be seeing that evening, providing informative backstories and fascinating fun facts about the night sky we see everyday. Each summer month will have slightly different focuses depending on that month’s night sky. All discussions will end with open telescope viewings and Q&A sessions. Don’t miss out on these memorable experiences!

  • July 5th at 8:30 pm – 11:00pm:  Durango Star Party, The Summer Triangle; The focus will be on planets, basic constellations, as well as the prettiest star in the heavens (Albireo), the false comet (Xi Scorpii), a group of “wandering’ stars and more!
  • August 9th at 7:30 pm: Durango Star Party, Exploring the Milky Way; The focus will be on the moon, planets, as well as the Wild Duck cluster, the Swan Nebula and more!
  • September 6th at 7:00 pm: Durango Star Party, TBD

Where: SJMA’s Durango Nature Center

What to Bring: Chairs, water, red flash lights only, extra layers (including gloves)

Cost: Free, donations greatly appreciated!



July 5
8:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Event Category: