Adriana Stimax
Education Director
Adriana Stimax is SJMA’s Education Director. Based in Montezuma County, she is well connected in both local education and stewardship circles. As a former AP Environmental Science, Biology, and Earth Science teacher at Montezuma-Cortez High School, Adriana developed the curriculum and established relationships with science teachers throughout Montezuma County. She is also a volunteer with Mancos Trails Group and came well-recommended by former SJMA board member Robert Meyer. She brings a ton of energy and commitment. Adriana is responsible for leading all SJMA education programming and overseeing the education staff.
Adriana grew up close to the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and spent many summers rafting its tributaries and marsh mucking its shores. In third grade she volunteered to help in her first major restoration project on the Bay that set her on a lifelong path of environmental stewardship. At Towson University Adriana majored in Earth Science with a focus in mineralogy and Secondary Education.
Despite her full schedule she still finds time to run the rivers and explore the mountains and canyons of the San Juans. We are excited to have her onboard!